Sep 24, 2011

Goals Revived! - And Pwning Life 2.0

So I was in my Student Development class and can you believe the subject? It was goal setting and on my teacher's PowerPoint, he had stated that there are 6 types of goals:

  • Social - I want to get married by age 24. Basically anything that has to do with your social life.
  • Academics - Ex. I want to get this GPA by September 25.
  • Religious - Ex. Pray 2 times a day.
  • Personal - Ex. I want to write a novel by the time I'm 50.
  • Physical or Health - Basically like losing weight, or and other health related goal.
  • Financial - Anything based on money. Ex. Make $1000.00 a month.
And my college professor also stated that there were six characteristics of goal setting. When he brought that up, that caught my eye because most people set goal that are too far-fetched. They set a goal that they most likely wont complete because it sounds like an impossible goal. So if all of your goals had these six characteristics, they would work and you most likely could accomplish them. And these six characteristics are:
  • Believable - Is this goal possible for me to do?
  • Measurable - How long do I have to complete this goal. Can I complete this goal in a lifetime?
  • Adaptable - 
  • Reasonable - Is this goal something I could complete?
  • Controllable - Can I control whether this goal happens? Example of a non-controllable goal: The New England Patriots will go to the Super Bowl this year.
  • Desirable - Is this goal something that I anxiously want?
"You'll notice that Believable and Reasonable are kind of the same thing."

And then now for the difference between a good goal and a bad goal.

Aug 31, 2011

College Do's and Don'ts

I am now a high school graduate. Sorry for not posting for tons of months. This article is on college do's and don'ts. So to start off. I would like to say I know by experience some of these things that could possibly ruin your life in college. So to start the list:

1. Get to know your professor. Professors are humans too. They are not put there to ruin your life. Just to change your expectations. If you get to know your professors, that could be the difference between having that 89.9% as apposed to achieving that 90%.

2. Study a whole lot (More than you've ever thought of studying before). The reason for this is that this isnt high school where you have 36 weeks to pass the class. In college you have 8 or 16 weeks to pass and there really isn't a whole lot of assignments to hone your skills.

3. Check your college email frequently (Like 3 times a day). Simply because some professors wont tell you some things that they will instead expect you to check your email to find out.

4. Go to sleep at a time where you will have ATLEAST 8 hours of "Zzzz.." time. Simply because I'm sure everyone has that one professor that is extra boring that you just want to sleep in front of. We've all had them.

5. Get a good breakfast. I know, I know you've seen this a lot. But seriously. Do it. Theres nothing worse than sitting in a classroom for 2 hours and instead of listening to what is being said. You are thinking about food. Happens to me all the time even when I eat breakfast.

Now for the Don'ts

1. Never party all night long especially if you have a class at 7 and you come home at 4 from partying. Because chances are you are completely out of it and just want to sleep. Or eat.

2. Don't have a game open and ready for playing after your done studying. Most of us have that super addicting game that we love to play on the computer.

3. Caution! Facebook!! This explains itself.

4. Loud smartphone. Another thing that is just distracting. Almost as much as Facebook.

These are just the bare minimum. Basically the things that i got away from doing to make myself more successful in college. If you have anything you would like to add.

Please leave a comment below.

Apr 20, 2011

Women and Your Goals

Women can really effect how you go about doing your goals and everyday tasks. For instance, if you lose your woman, chances are that you will feel different than normal and the goals you want to accomplish won't get done. But we just have to look at the bright sides. Losing a woman doesn't mean the end of the world as we know it. It just means that we need to try harder and find the right person that will like you for who you are.

However, in my case, I've found that Miss Right. She even helps me and motivates me to complete my goals. Sure there are some days where I just dont feel like doing anything, those are my LAZY moments/days. But on my regular days, I try my hardest to stand up and do what I have to do to my life and my girlfriends life the best they can possibly be. For starters, here is my goals list for the week of April 18-24.

1. Fix the front lawn (Destroy all the weeds and put grass seed)
2. Create 1 or 2 videos and upload them to YouTube.
3. Take my girlfriend out to eat.
4. Get my hair cut and be ready for prom on Friday
5. Finish my FAFSA application
6. Take my Math placement test for college
7. Start working out

And here starts my long term-ish goals.
1. Slim down (Gotten fat over the year) <----So you can say Workout.
2. Put this blog on its own domain (Meaning get its own site name and not end with ""
3. Start promoting my YouTube videos
4. Get a job
5. Start a Pwning Life (or Owning Life) group in my community college
6. Meet my girlfriends parents (a very hard thing to do)


But as you can see, these are REASONABLE goals to do. Most people say they will TRY to accomplish their goals. But TRYING isn't enough if you're part of this group. You have to be committed to make a difference in your life or somebody else's. So there is no "I'll try" there's only a "I will" in this. And as long as I follow that code, goals will get done, my life will get better. And hopefully somebody else's.

Feb 27, 2011

Inspiration, And How It Works

Just recently, I have started writing a major story of my life. But the way i started writing it was by first being inspired by various individuals, online and offline. A man by the name of Lamarr Wilson (Wilsontech1 on YouTube) and Casey Payne (Miltownkid on YouTube) inspired me to write this because of the way they like to portray themselves on the internet. Lamarr had a recent interview with a man named Ron Knights on YouTube. And it was a whole hour long interview about how Wilsontech1 became how it is today. He said various things about how he dropped many courses in high school just to pursue a career at Best Buy. And although they didn't accept him for days, he kept on trying and sooner or later they hired him on the spot.

Casey however, just made a YouTube channel just to get his thoughts and opinions out, then he made vlogs (video blogs), which people liked very much and wanted to hear more from him in that way. And that is what inspired me to start YouTube, watching people just say what's on their mind, and trying to have a connection with my audience on another level. Sure it will take a good amount of time, but in the end, it will be worth it.

People who are roll-models or inspire others are what this world is all about. You get inspired to do one thing, and then you do your own and inspire more people. The cycle goes on and on. Even last night, if it wasn't for this girl i was talking to named Sam, I wouldn't have even posted this up. She said that her goals in life were to make a difference in someone's life and be remembered. If it wasn't for the inspiration she gave me, I wouldn't be on this subject today. So I'm giving her a shout out and thanking her for doing that.

All in all, inspirations and helping others by being a good role model or samaritan is what life is about. So my message for today for everyone to hear is that no matter what you do, chances are that you are inspiring someone is some way. You may not think that you're making a difference, but you are. Just because you don't get direct feedback on what you did, it doesn't mean it didn't affect someone's life in some way. So as a closing message, just keep up what you think is right, and then ask yourself, "Is this affecting someone's life in anyway?" And if you can answer that question in a positive way, chances are that you should keep going with it.

So yeah, until next time everyone!


Feb 26, 2011

Rants: AutoTune

I’ve Been Slackin, But I’m Back

I know that lately I haven't been posting. But it was mainly because I have been focusing on school work and other important things. But aside from ranting on about why I haven't been posting, I'm going to move on and say what i have been doing lately.

In the past month I have completed some of my goals, long and short term. Here is a checklist of what i completed.

  1. Finished the Date of Birth circuit project.
  2. Applied for a job that I might get
  3. Make videos for YouTube on a regular basis (I made 2, so that's good I think)
  4. Writing daily about ideas for future videos and posts (I have like 5 or so made up)
  5. Eating healthier and doing simple home workouts (I've been doing this thing called Hundred Push-Ups, 2 Hundred Squats, and 2 Hundred Sit-ups)

Now those are the goals that I DID complete, but as for my new goals and old goals for this week. Here they are in no particular order

  1. Raise my grades in school.
  2. Actually know what I am doing in Digital Electronics
  3. Make more videos.
  4. Post on this blog daily instead of weekly
  5. Make video blog post instead of just purely writing
  6. Come up with the blog's official logo
  7. Create a facebook fan page for the blog
  8. Come up with a slogan for the blog
  9. Buy a camcorder
  10. Help others accomplish their dreams

But in order to accomplish goal number 10, I'll need help from other willing individuals. Because if you notice the people that have their huge corporations, they didn't create them alone, they had help. Whether it was just from their friends, their family, or both, they didn't get that big by staying anti-social in their home. They went out and asked for help and input. That's why I teamed up with Miltownkid, and the rest of the Pwning Life crew to help send a message out about setting your life on a bright path in order to achieve your dreams.

Of course there will always be bumps and challenges on that path. But it's our job as human beings, and my duty to help answer any questions and help you beat those challenges in order to achieve a better, brighter, healthier life style.

This ends today's post, if you have any comments, questions or feedback feel free to contact me.


Feb 8, 2011

Pwning Others

This week will be a change than the other weeks before. This time, I'm talking about "pwning" others. And what I mean by "pwning" others, I don't mean own or destroy, I mean to help someone else achieve their goals and dreams.

The reason I am covering this topic this week is because I recently talked to this girl, that has been having some issues with others and her own self. She told me that others had been treating her differently because of her looks and weight. Now don't get me wrong, when it comes to weight, it's a huge issue. But in this case, if you look at her, she doesn't look "fat" or "big" in any way. She's even a cheerleader at her school. But yet she still gets treated by people over there.

So in a few recent conversations with her, I asked "what would make make you feel better? She said the same answer that most of us in this situation would say "for them to stop". And I decided to take her another direction. Since most people like that don't just stop bullying, I decided to show her a modified version of Miltownkid's "goals" routine. I said that if you want them to stop treating you this way about your weight, then I'm gonna get you on an exercise plan that I'm sure we all have heard of. I told her to do the the following:
1. Workout every other day.
2. Eat healthier or get fruits like grapes if she feels the need to pig out.
3. Set a start date and weight.
4. Set an end weight and period of time that she wants to achieve this.
5. Take a photo of her current self (As a "What I used to look like)
6. When she reaches halfway through to her target and to her target take another picture.

And the part that motivated me the most to make this post was that last night I talked to her again, she said she had worked out and taken the picture. When she got done, she said she felt great. This shows that if you set your mind to make a change, that you can make yourself a happier person. You just need the boost or help to do it.

So in the next weeks I hope to continue hearing her input as to how she feels day by day. Pwning life is not just about making your life better. It's also about helping others make a change.
So until next time everyone.

Jan 30, 2011

Week 3: A New Step Forward

I did notice that based on the goals I had set for my first week, all of them were pretty much long-term goals. Or some of them I couldn't do during the winter blizzard weather. So, for this week I have devised some new goals to follow through with, hopefully most of them are short-term and can be completed in a matter of days rather than months.

So anyway, here they are:
  1. Go for a walk every day, regardless of the weather (except thunderstorms and obvious extreme weather).
  2. Finish Date of Birth project
  3. Get a job
  4. Not having to rely on people to get things done.
  5. Eating healthier and doing simple home workouts.
  6. Clean my room and the basement thoroughly
  7. Find any binders and other unneeded portfolios and empty them allowing future use.
  8. Make videos for YouTube on a regular basis
  9. Start my Reviewing iPhone Apps segment of my channel on YouTube
  10. Move this blog from blogger to its own domain.
  11. Lose weight and gain more muscle.
  12. Get a new computer for future graphical and video work.
  13. DREAM GOAL: Get a 27 inch iMac or Dell Studio XPS 9100
  14. Launch the Pwning Life official podcast or vidcast of some sort.
  15. Buy an HD camera or camcorder.
  16. Write daily about ideas for future videos, or topics to post.
  17. Hopefully relaunch my TechforConsumers blog that I've neglected.
  18. Lastly but not as important, buy and Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.
Sorry for such a long post, but I had to get everything out. All of these goals will most definitely take some time. But they will get done.

Now as for the podcast/vidcast, go to the official MilTownKlan Forums by clicking the "MiltownKlan Forums" combination of words that's blue.

Until next week everybody. PEACE!

Jan 22, 2011

Week 2: What did I do?

Well week 2 is here and I have to say it was one of the most busy weeks I've had because of the fact that i have to take mid term tests next week so this week was all about studying for those. But I would like to say that I did take my SATs today. So that put me closer to goal number 1 of going to college for Graphic Design since every college requires SATs. Now as for Goal 2 of going to a community college, I will be registering for one that is called NOVA up here in the coming weeks. I have also filled out a job application to Laser Quest but I have to turn it back in for them to check me out and hopefully hire me. If I get hired, that will allow me to finally get good  pay and be able to lift this blog off of blogspot and turn it into my own domain, be able to get some new clothes and join a cellphone carrier. I will also be able to promote my videos on YouTube because I'll have a little cash in the bank.  But once midterm week is over, that will put me through the halfway mark of school. Halfway to being a high school grad truly being able to be accomplish my desires.

Based on those goals that I have set makes me look idealistic does it not? Setting a bunch of goals that will be really hard to finish. But today I will make a pledge to myself that "I will accomplish all of those goals no matter what it takes or how long it will take."

Here are some of my links

Well, I guess this is all till next week. Oh and be sure to follow miltownkid's blog (Pwning Life). The link is on the side under Pwning Life Crew. 

Jan 17, 2011

What are my goals and how do I plan on achieving them?

I have various goals or achievements that I plan on trying to take on.

1. I dream of going to college and pursuing my dream career of working with Samsung in the Graphic Design path.

2. Moving to a community college to get my grades and skills up to par before branching off to the path I chose in step 1

3. Losing weight and becoming healthy and fit.

4. Biking in a marathon or an event close to one.

5. Getting my first job. Don't know where it will be at but just hoping.

6. Making a decent revenue from making YouTube videos and blogging.

7. Making my YouTube channel well-known and creating a good, large, positive fan base

8. Buying my first car.

9. More importantly getting my Driver's License.

10. Learning how to study efficiently without getting distracted by every little thing.

11. Buy a new computer that is good for both gaming and graphical work.

Those are my long and short-term goals I would like to achieve. How I am going to fulfill them and how long I can keep them up? Who knows. But it's a start.

My First Pwning Life Post

I've made this blog to show the whole community out there that if you set a goal, whether long-term or short, that you can follow it with help from others trying to achieve a goal or dream too. So basically due to the support of other people you stay motivated to pursue a dream of yours that you would otherwise never be able to fulfill.

YouTube Videos 4.0