I am now a high school graduate. Sorry for not posting for tons of months. This article is on college do's and don'ts. So to start off. I would like to say I know by experience some of these things that could possibly ruin your life in college. So to start the list:
1. Get to know your professor. Professors are humans too. They are not put there to ruin your life. Just to change your expectations. If you get to know your professors, that could be the difference between having that 89.9% as apposed to achieving that 90%.
2. Study a whole lot (More than you've ever thought of studying before). The reason for this is that this isnt high school where you have 36 weeks to pass the class. In college you have 8 or 16 weeks to pass and there really isn't a whole lot of assignments to hone your skills.
3. Check your college email frequently (Like 3 times a day). Simply because some professors wont tell you some things that they will instead expect you to check your email to find out.
4. Go to sleep at a time where you will have ATLEAST 8 hours of "Zzzz.." time. Simply because I'm sure everyone has that one professor that is extra boring that you just want to sleep in front of. We've all had them.
5. Get a good breakfast. I know, I know you've seen this a lot. But seriously. Do it. Theres nothing worse than sitting in a classroom for 2 hours and instead of listening to what is being said. You are thinking about food. Happens to me all the time even when I eat breakfast.
Now for the Don'ts
1. Never party all night long especially if you have a class at 7 and you come home at 4 from partying. Because chances are you are completely out of it and just want to sleep. Or eat.
2. Don't have a game open and ready for playing after your done studying. Most of us have that super addicting game that we love to play on the computer.
3. Caution! Facebook!! This explains itself.
4. Loud smartphone. Another thing that is just distracting. Almost as much as Facebook.
These are just the bare minimum. Basically the things that i got away from doing to make myself more successful in college. If you have anything you would like to add.
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